Lightsail configuration and Migration WordPress website on the AWS

Migrating a WordPress website to AWS Lightsail involves a few steps. Lightsail is a simplified cloud service provided by AWS, offering a user-friendly interface and pre-configured options, making the migration process relatively straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Create a Lightsail Instance:

  1. Log in to AWS Lightsail: Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to Lightsail.

  2. Create an Instance: Click on “Create instance” and select the appropriate instance image. Lightsail offers a pre-configured WordPress image, making the setup easier.

  3. Select Instance Plan: Choose the instance plan based on your requirements (e.g., amount of RAM, CPU, and storage).

  4. Name your Instance: Give your instance a unique name for easy identification.

  5. Launch the Instance: Click on “Create Instance” to deploy your Lightsail WordPress instance.

2. Access WordPress Installation on Lightsail:

  1. Access Lightsail Instance: Once the instance is running, go to the Lightsail console and access your WordPress installation through the browser-based SSH terminal provided.

  2. Access WordPress Files: Use SSH to navigate to the WordPress directory. Typically, for the Lightsail WordPress image, it’s located in /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/.

3. Migrate WordPress Content:

  1. Back up Existing WordPress Site:

    • In your current WordPress site, use a plugin like “All-in-One WP Migration” or “Duplicator” to create a full backup of your WordPress site.
  2. Download Backup:

    • Download the backup file generated by the plugin to your local system.
  3. Upload Backup to Lightsail:

    • Using SFTP or SSH, upload the backup file to the WordPress directory on your Lightsail instance.
  4. Restore the Backup:

    • Use the backup plugin to restore the backup on your Lightsail WordPress instance. Follow the plugin’s instructions for restoration.

4. Domain Configuration:

  1. Point Domain to Lightsail Instance:

    • In your domain registrar’s settings, configure the DNS records to point to the IP address of your Lightsail instance.
  2. Update WordPress Settings:

    • Log in to your WordPress dashboard on Lightsail and update the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) under Settings > General to match your domain.

5. SSL Certificate Installation (Optional but recommended):

  1. Set Up SSL:

    • Lightsail allows you to easily set up a free SSL certificate using Let’s Encrypt. Secure your site with HTTPS.
  2. Install and Configure SSL Certificate:

    • Follow the instructions in the Lightsail console to enable and configure the SSL certificate for your domain.

6. Test and Verification:

  1. Check Website Functionality:

    • Visit your domain to ensure that the website is accessible and functioning correctly on the Lightsail instance.
  2. Test for HTTPS:

    • Verify that the SSL certificate is active and the site is accessible through HTTPS.

7. Post-Migration Steps:

  1. Regular Maintenance:
    • Ensure regular updates for WordPress and plugins. Set up backups and security measures to maintain a secure environment.

This process may vary based on your specific website setup and requirements. Lightsail simplifies many of these steps, making it user-friendly for hosting and managing WordPress websites on AWS.

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